Developing Study Notes

Good notes make for good marks, perfect notes make for perfect marks (or close to!). Making perfect notes is an investment in time and your future. If you want that 10 CGPA or the A+ or Band 6 result, it all starts with excellent notes. And that means commitment. If you want to do well and want the notes to help you get there, then there aren’t really any shortcuts! There are just consistent habits and grind. This is a good thing because it means anybody can achieve great marks, they just need to do the work!
RAVENSHAW HELPLINE provides exam-oriented study notes for major disciplines of all streams. Is it possible to read everything when the preparation time is short? Well, that’s not a smart approach! For an effective study, you must filter out the important topics and summarize key points on a notebook to cover the mass amount of information within short duration. That is what we do at Ravenshaw Helpline. Our perfect note-making strategy is has already helped many students and you can get everything to learn at a single place and study efficiently with the quick methods we apply.Copper wire, wood base. I created this piece in late 2008. For this work, I aimed to convey both the industrial heaviness of an aeroplane, but also the cloud like floating quality you feel when you’re in one.